Friday, May 20, 2011

Dorcas Circle Gathering on May 19

Hi Ladies,

As usual I thank you all for coming and being such servants to the Dorcas Circle.

April thanks so much for everything!!!!! She organized all the fabric, which is a ton. We have a system to, Lord willing, keep the fabric under control. She wrapped and did cards for the graduation gifts for the campers. She color coordinated various projects. She also got the tags and recycled them. April has such a blessing doing whatever needs to be done!
  • Bonnie did a beautiful iron cover for a ironing board that has sat in my shed for 1 year. We will need this board for ironing larger fabric. Bonnie is so busy and it was a blessing she could squeeze this in her list. Also completed Jeff’s quilt
  • Linda is learning to make mittens and she made one mitten and did an awesome job. She plans to do more. We want to sell as a boutique item for October’s fundraiser.
  • 4 Morman Missionaries working on various projects. We thank them for their time and efforts to help us out.
  • Monica put together Jeff’s quilt. She did a wonderful job and enjoyed the task as well.
  • Memri work on the embroidery quilt and put the rows together.
  • Ella and Monica’s girls kept Dolly very busy and worn out so I could get stuff done.
  • Hilda completed a vest.

Keep Bonnie, Linda and I up in prayer this Tuesday. Dorcas Circle is doing a field trip up at Camp. We are making curtains for the brand new Virginia House. We purchased all the fabric and want to stay over 1 night to complete the curtains. We met a new lady named Brenda, who lives in Julian, Brenda will help us out. We met her at Esther’s Court last week.

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